The art of balancing

How do you do it? you ask? How do you stand on your head, how do you balance?

How? You know how, everyone knows how…

It is just strength, it is just that force that we all have inside, that force that wants to come out. It is that strength that burns in our bellys and spreads out our chest and down our legs. It is the strength we all hear about, but manage to seldom recognize in our selves.

Until one day, through repetitive breathing, slowly in and out the nose, making that calming noise at the back of our throats. Until one day it comes, peaking at the planks and the upward dogs. One day as you feel the strength pull you by the hips up into the sky and into the downward dog. As we salute the raising sun, the setting sun, the lack of sun. One day you feel it, the warrior, one, two, reversing, shooting strength through your arms, through your legs. One day warrior three comes, and you stand on one leg, one strong and stable leg which lifts you up and allows for balance. That one leg that has been training for this, for holding the rest of you. One day, when your heart opens, your hips open, the whole of you opens and you manage to stand there, with both hands on the ground and the whole weight of your body balancing on them.

Balance comes, and we realize it has been there all along.dolphinwalk

Lo mejor…

Lo peor es no poder escribir, es tener todas las ganas del mundo (de tu mundo) pero no la energia, no la fuerza o la motivacion.
Lo peor es tirarse en el sofa y sentir las ideas correr desde cada neurona en tu cerebro hasta la punta de tus dedos, pero sin lograr moverte.
Lo peor es filosofar y pensar cosas que sabes son unicas, que sabes merecen ser escritas, merecen ser sacadas de tu cabeza y puestas en papel, preservadas por siempre en vez de perdidas en tu inconciente.
Lo peor es olvidar, olvidar lo que se siente tener una pluma entre tus dedos, a lo que huele la tinta en el papel, a lo que saben tus pensamientos convertidos en letras.
Lo mejor es lograr mover tus dedos, lograr levantarte del sofa y agarrar la pluma, volver a sentir la tinta correr y poner las ideas en papel.
Lo mejor es sentir el fuego dentro, sentir la fuerza crecer, convertirse en esa fuerza y volver a creer en ella.
Lo mejor es sorprendernos a nosotras mismas, con nuestra inmensa capacidad de perseverancia a pesar de todo, sorprendernos con nuestras propias palabras que creiamos perdidas.
Lo major es recordar y poder preserver lo que nuestra mente, unica en el universo, es capaz de lograr y saber que aqui estaran por siempre, mis pensamientos convertidos en palabras.


Long weekend in Amsterdam

Long weekend in Amsterdam

taken outside the contemporary art museum. As Adria mentioned, an eventful and indulgent, quality time spent together.


After over a month of our first vacation and time back together, do I take the time to write a post… not in the least surprised over how fast time has gone by… I am used to that.

We had fun, Amsterdam turned out to be the perfect place for exactly the type of break we needed. It is true, we did not just need to see each other, we needed a break from our new exhausting working lives, our new routines, and this fit like a charm. Fancy hotel, breakfast in bed, long baths, bike rides on flat roads, cheap alcohol, gay bars, smoking inside… and smoking options 😉 Among the many things we did, of course, being together was the most enjoyable, but treating ourselves to uncommon pleasures was the highlight of our time there

Fruitful distraction

According to an online dictionary, ‘distracting’ can signify to ‘draw away attention’ from something, as well as having the capacity of being a ‘pleasant diversion.’ Seeing distractions as an opposite to one’s ‘actual life’ may not be a fruitful dichotomy; as distractions are actions and happenings that are as real as others – they do constitute actual life, and apparent at times being quite pleasant as well. Of course, this is a highly subjective endeavor – one’s world is continuously re-colored by the colors made available.  

A physical move can be seen upon as a distraction on a more all-encompassing level. Moving to a new scenario on a semi-permanent basis offers the possibility of new rhythms, expectations, standards, and codes. Here, the routines are not set and in no haste to be followed. It’s a time that offers reflection, a search for new activities and the liberty to choose or not choose to invest in new relations. Life slows down – you can hear your breath more easily. To many of us, it becomes a bit uncomfortable. I’ve recently been told that even the most seasoned international civil servants experience emotional breakdowns while adopting and adjusting to new settings.  To counter the concurrent slow phase of the wheel of life, we quickly establish new routines, wants and needs, to replace the old and familiar.

We hurry on. It is as if we are planning to travel around the world, but have psychologically reached home before we took off.

Point being; distractions can be real, pleasant and fruitful. They may enhance the presence in the now (if allowed), and simultaneously, form the wants and longings of what may come. Distractions, although not meant to, thought-wise or within its semantics, may result in forcing us to take the time to ask what it is we want or need to do the most..


This is a message from the Uruguayan President. I just found it inspiring and wanted to share it with those spanish speakers out there.

José Mujica , Presidente de Uruguay (s.f.)

Ustedes saben mejor que nadie que en el conocimiento y la cultura no sólo hay esfuerzo sino también placer.

Dicen que la gente que trota por la rambla, llega un punto en el que entra en una especie de éxtasis donde ya no existe el cansancio y sólo le queda el placer.

Creo que con el conocimiento y la cultura pasa lo mismo. Llega un punto donde estudiar, o investigar, o aprender, ya no es un esfuerzo y es puro disfrute.

¡Qué bueno sería que estos manjares estuvieran a disposición de mucha gente!

Qué bueno sería, si en la canasta de la calidad de la vida que el Uruguay puede ofrecer a su gente, hubiera una buena cantidad de consumos intelectuales.

No porque sea elegante sino porque es placentero.

Porque se disfruta, con la misma intensidad con la que se puede disfrutar un plato de tallarines.

¡No hay una lista obligatoria de las cosas que nos hacen felices!

Algunos pueden pensar que el mundo ideal es un lugar repleto de shopping centers.

En ese mundo la gente es feliz porque todos pueden salir llenos de bolsas de ropa nueva y de cajas de electrodomésticos.

No tengo nada contra esa visión, sólo digo que no es la única posible.

Digo que también podemos pensar en un país donde la gente elige arreglar las cosas en lugar de tirarlas, elige un auto chico en lugar de un auto grande, elige abrigarse en lugar de subir la calefacción.

Despilfarrar no es lo que hacen las sociedades más maduras. Vayan a Holanda y vean las ciudades repletas de bicicletas. Allí se van a dar cuenta de que el consumismo no es la elección de la verdadera aristocracia de la humanidad. Es la elección de los noveleros y los frívolos.

Los holandeses andan en bicicleta, las usan para ir a trabajar pero también para ir a los conciertos o a los parques.

Porque han llegado a un nivel en el que su felicidad cotidiana se alimenta tanto de consumos materiales como intelectuales.

Así que amigos, vayan y contagien el placer por el conocimiento.

En paralelo, mi modesta contribución va a ser tratar de que los uruguayos anden de bicicleteada en bicicleteada.



Y amigos, el puente entre este hoy y ese mañana que queremos tiene un nombre y se llama educación.

Y miren que es un puente largo y difícil de cruzar.

Pero hay que hacerlo.

Se lo debemos a nuestros hijos y nietos.

Y hay que hacerlo ahora, cuando todavía está fresco el milagro tecnológico de Internet y se abren oportunidades nunca vistas de acceso al conocimiento.

Yo me crié con la radio, vi nacer la televisión, después la televisión en colores, después las transmisiones por satélite.

Después resultó que en mi televisor aparecían cuarenta canales, incluidos los que trasmitían en directo desde Estados Unidos, España e Italia.

Después los celulares y después la computadora, que al principio sólo servía para procesar números.                      

Cada una de esas veces, me quedé con la boca abierta.

Pero ahora con Internet se me agotó la capacidad de sorpresa.

Me siento como aquellos humanos que vieron una rueda por primera vez.

O como los que vieron el fuego por primera vez.

Uno siente que le tocó en suerte vivir un hito en la historia.

Se están abriendo las puertas de todas las bibliotecas y de todos los museos; van a estar a disposición, todas las revistas científicas y todos los libros del mundo.

Y probablemente todas las películas y todas las músicas del mundo.

Es abrumador.

Por eso necesitamos que todos los uruguayos y sobre todo los uruguayitos sepan nadar en ese torrente.

Hay que subirse a esa corriente y navegar en ella como pez en el agua.

Lo conseguiremos si está sólida esa matriz intelectual de la que hablábamos antes.

Si nuestros chiquilines saben razonar en orden y saben hacerse las preguntas que valen la pena.

Es como una carrera en dos pistas, allá arriba en el mundo el océano de información, acá abajo preparándonos para la navegación trasatlántica.

Escuelas de tiempo completo, facultades en el interior, enseñanza terciaria masificada.

Y probablemente, inglés desde el preescolar en la enseñanza pública.

Porque el inglés no es el idioma que hablan los yanquis, es el idioma con el que los chinos se entienden con el mundo. …..(Genial)

No podemos estar afuera. No podemos dejar afuera a nuestros chiquilines.

Esas son las herramientas que nos habilitan a interactuar con la explosión universal del conocimiento.

 Este mundo nuevo no nos simplifica la vida, nos la complica..

 Nos obliga a ir más lejos y más hondo en la educación.

No hay tarea más grande delante de nosotros.


Ever since I moved to Norway I have been looking for distractions. I came here with a very clear goal and keeping myself busy is what I have done.

First it was norwegian, the first couple of months on my own at the library, later evening courses, then when I finally got my visa daily classes at the adult education center, up until I began at the university’s norwegian classes in January. It sounds pretty logical and maybe to some rushed, but I was in a hurry. As I look back at it now it seems like I literally just ran through it without even stopping to catch my breath.

In addition to this came all the extras, which seemed extremely necessary for a newly arrived immigrant with few conections. I had to keep myself busy, distract myself from myself, mainly because I was afraid I would get depressed and hate being here so much that I would not be able to stay. The main force behind this, Tina, of course, I really did want to stay here with her.

I signed up to the gym and was there pretty much every day through my first norwegian winter. I started volunteering, at the local cafe and through the volunteer agency. I watched movies, read books and burried myself in recycling projects. I tried to find some kind of paying job, as little as it could be and babysitting ended up being it. After a few months I got myeslf a cajon and playing music became one more thing I could do, joined an acquaintance who plays the guitar and together we are still trying to learn the same old songs. I started a norwegian conversation group with help from other volunteers. Every week I plan for and lead it, now it has been almost a year since we started it and it is still going strong. When the weather got warmer we started gardening, we planted vegetables and herbs. In the summer we could finally go out for long hikes and pick berries, many hours where spent on this. I also was able to find a proper paying job then and with it lots of hours used up, doing something I was overqualified for but which helped my language. I worked and studied through the fall, while doing all of the other things as well. I was able to afford a trip home for the holidays and as soon as I came back I had my first job interview for the exact job I wanted to do in this new country, I was that lucky! Within a few weeks I had started, all while I struggled to cope with the decision of maybe having to move to a new country with Tina, which obviously I didn’t do…

Ufffhh that was a run-on! I am still worked up from thinking about it. I have been in the last few weeks, while I find ways to again distract myself because even though I have a full time job now, I still am in a foreign country, and my partner is gone. I have to find ways to make the days go faster, ways to use up my time! all for what, for what I wander? 

I am caught in a predicament, I am not sure how to differentiate these distractions I have grown so fond of, from my actual life. Are they a part of my life because I have nothing better to do? and what would actually be better to do? A real job had been in my mind for a long time and I truly never thought I would get it so soon, so why am I questioning it? the working out, the music, the conversation group, it is all great, but is it really me doing those things or is it me trying to keep myself distracted from the real me who maybe doesn’t like being here so much… I don’t know, I wouldn’t go as far as that, but I have had such questions roaming my mind lately. Maybe it is just this being alone and in my head so much… maybe I just need more distractions? I’ll see what’s on TV…